Info for Oct 4 & 6, 2021

Screenshot for our second Chapter 4 webpage. Creating a Landing Page

The website is FOR PRACTICE ONLY. However, a class assignment (Participation category) is to complete the starter Tasks before leaving. I will walk around and grade them.

Starter tasks on Oct. 4

  1. Create a folder called cougars inside of Chapter 4.
  2. Create a subfolder called images.
  3. Go to CofC Dropbox and download about 6 images. Place them in your images subfolder.
  4. Go to Photopea (or any graphic editor).
  5. Crop 3 of them as squares…200px.
  6. Crop 2 more at 400 X 300px
  7. Go to a free stock photo website and download another image that is over 1800px wide. Or you may use the CofC dropbox.
  8. Download and study the starter files from class website. To download, simply right click on the name and choose "Save As".
    - HTML
    - CSS
  9. You will earn a satisfactory grade by showing me your file manager as I walk around. I'll explain.

Continuation on Oct. 6

  • Follow along in class to cover additional Chapter 4 topics. You will not submit this part.


Examples of backgrounds

I've seen lots of websites with text on top of backgrounds. Sometimes the background is the dominant feature, and sometimes it's the text. Anyway, these were the only ones that I was able to come up at this time:

By showing these examples, I simply want to illustrate that having the text box(es) in the middle is not the only way to design with a full photographic image in the background.


HTML Special Characters (More)

Do you want Smileys, hearts, arrows, Greek symbols, anything? Try these two sites which have extended and organized lists of HTML special characters.