Landing Branding
Group Website


The class will form groups of 3-4, and each group will create a 2-page website for a fictitious event or organization at the College of Charleston. The website will employ skills learned through Chapter 6, and it will consist of the landing page and any content page. It will count as a single homework assignment. Your group will share the website with other classmates for observation and comments.


Ideas for Theme 

I came up with these theme examples based the types of events, activities, and organizations at the College. You don’t have to use these examples; your choices are endless.



Sign up:

Go to Oaks and sign up for a group by September 30th. The group is called:
Landing Branding (School Spirit)


Gather Assets

Required Features

The following features must be used somewhere in your design of the two pages. It is not meant to restrict you. I know you will find creative and un-forced ways to use each at least once.

Produce Two Pages

Your group will design, code and publish two pages. I'm restricting to two because other classmates will be required to critique them, and we don't want to give them additional work.

One of the pages must be a landing page. The other can be any other content page such as About Us.

You must write real text on the landing page. However, the content page can have placeholder text if you wish.

Share and give feedback

One member will share your URL in the Discussion