Project 6 · City Landmarks Photos


The assignment will take place in two phases. The first phase is where you'll take your own photos of the city. Then in Phase Two, you will perform the re-touching of these photos in Photoshop. The reason for the two phases is so that you can pace yourself, not rush, and produce a quality promotional piece.

NOTE: You can use a city other than Charleston if you wish.
Therefore, I am giving you the information now in order to expand your choices of cities.


Assignment, Phase One - March 21, 2023

Take at least 20 photos of any aspects of Charleston, or your city of choice. You can focus on a certain category, such as architecture, natural attractions, culture, the fine arts, popular attractions, churches, wrought iron gates, doors, window boxes, College of Charleston scenes, etc. Try to stick with a theme. SPECIAL NOTE: Do not take random pictures of friends or pets.

If you choose to take a more eclectic set of photos, they must tie together in some cohesive way so that they are still thematic. Make sure they are not totally random. ALSO, THE RULE IS THAT YOU MUST TAKE THE PICTURES YOURSELF. It does not matter what kind of camera you use. Also, please do not pre-process the pictures with your camera or any other software.


How to Submit:

Due: Tuesday, March 21st

Upload 10 of your 20 photographs to OAKS in a Dropbox titled “Phase One Photos”.

This Phase One assignment will count in your Participation grade category (2% of Final Grade).


Assignment, Phase Two - due April 11th

Finish the following exercise that you started in Phase One. You will mostly use skills learned in Project 6 of Photoshop.

Art Director Comments (an overview)

This exercise involves touching up photos to represent Charleston in the best light.

Client Comments (more instructions)

Over the next year, the Tourism Board is planning on publishing a series of promotional booklets to show tourists that Charleston is more than just the Ravenel Bridge. Each booklet in the series will focus on an area of interest such as fine art, architecture, culture, College of Charleston scenes, etc.

We would like at least six (6) pictures that represent Charleston in a positive light. They need to be corrected and optimized for printing on a sheet-fed press. Of course, Charleston like other cities, have their problems – not the least of which are graffiti, garbage, and electrical/telephones wires. We are trying to attract tourists, not turn them away. Make sure none of the images show any blatant distractions; if any show in the images you select, give them a good digital cleaning.

In summary, you WILL NOT create the booklet — just supply the pictures in an attractive format.

For each picture that you touch up, save the before, the after, and list or explanation of the major touch-ups that you performed. Below is an example, although you don't have to list as many details. On the average, list about 6 major touchups that you did.


Prepare for Submitting:

Use PowerPoint or InDesign to display the before, after & explanation. Your layout can be different from the example (by Olivia Schafer).

Start with a cover page with a few relevant pieces of information.

Then, I think that it would be user-friendly to have one set of BEFORE/AFTER/EXPLANATION per page, making a total of 7 pages in your document. Be sure to use design principles to make sound decisions about attractive and user-friendly layout of your display.

- Due: April 11th