Assignment: Poster Advertisement

Associated with Project 8

Overview: Use what you learned in Project 8 to complete the following freeform exercise.  First, carefully read the Art Director and Client comments. Then create your own design to meet the needs of the project. Your design must be highly original, imaginative, and with attention-getting graphics and text.

When finished, use a word processing software to write an explanation of your reasoning behind your final design. In your ½ to one-page evaluation narrative, these are some of the concepts that you should address:

Art Director Comments

Your local community theater is planning a summer production of “Down the Yellow Brick Rabbit Hole,” a satirical mashup of “The Wizard of Oz" meets “Alice in Wonderland.” You have been hired to create a piece to advertise the play in local media and in the community. 

To complete this project, you should:

Client Comments

As the director and playwright, I was inspired by Gregory Maguire’s unique rewrites of classic fairy tales.  But then I started to think about what would happen if the characters from different books met somehow…and this play is the result.

I don’t want to spoil anything, but some real sparks fly when Queen of Hearts and the Wizard of Oz get together. And the wicked witch, well, she’s got her hands full trying to escape the clutches of an army of talking caterpillars.  This play is one-third mystery, one-third dramedy, and one-third just plain silly!  It’s got star-crossed lovers, an evil villain an inept magician, a rather foolish prince, and even a mad flying monkey that wears some strange hats

The only text in the ad must be:

Down the Yellow Brick Rabbit Hole
By Stacey Wrightwood
At the Preston Theater this August
800-555-PLAY for ticket information

Instructions to Submit: