Graphic Design & Digital Media
Assignment #3 — Textbook Exercises


For this assignment, you will DO ANY 3 of the exercises listed below.


  1. Exercise 5-3, page 75. Save as Exer5_3
    Please note that you are to create the program in two different ways--one with constraint() and one with if().
  2. Exercise 5-4, page 77.
    If you do this one, you can simply number the answers 1 thru 5 and type them neatly in the OAKs Submission box.
  3. Exercise 5-5, page 77. Save as Exer5_5
    No special instructions
  4. Exercise 5-8, page 83. Save as Exer5_8
    No special instructions
  5. Exercise 5-9, page 86. Save as Exer5_9
    You must at least handle the basic task of "Rewrite Example 5-6 so that the ball not only moves horizontally but vertically as well." You are not required to go further, but feel free to experiment if you want to.
  6. Exercise 5-10, page 90. Save as Exer5_10
    This refers to the design that that you did in chapter 2 on page 31. But feel free to use any of your designs that you desire. Have fun with it.


How to Submit:

Upload to OAKS dropbox called Assignment 3.

Submit each exercise as a zipped folder (of course except that Exer5-4 would be typed directly in submission box. )

Due Date:

The assignment is due on Monday, September 26...BEFORE CLASS STARTS.

Other info:

· please do not submit more than 3
· no write-up necessary