Graphic Design & Digital Media
Assignment #5 — Arrays

Assignment Goal: The basics of this assignment is to use arrays to design an interesting sketch. Along the way, you will also use classes and images. In addition, I want to read about your reflections while designing the piece. Therefore, you will do a write-up as well.


About the image: Although the main purpose of the assignment is arrays, you will also use images in the background. In the previous chapter, we did not get to practice enough with transparency and layering images. Therefore, for this assignment, use two overlapping images, with the top image having some degree of transparency. These are some suggested ways:

  • as an entire background,
  • as an artistic sidebar or banner on top,
  • or anyway you wish. I don't want to stifle your creativity.


Example of a sidebar that fulfills the rubric's requirement without getting in the way of your design.
Example of images that cover the background.


About arrays: Keep in mind that this is the most important part of the assignment. Using arrays and loops, write a program that creates multiple instances of an object. You may use an object you developed previously or create something new. If you are stuck for an idea, you can consider modeling something such as rain, bubbles, or balloons moving on the screen. Be sure to make an entire design out of it and not simply an isolated array of items.


  • Make sure that every Processing assignment has the following lines at the top:
    Assignment #, Your Name, and Date
  • Be sure to comment liberally.
  • Use a moderate size. I suggest around 500 px, but it depends on your design.
  • Use OOP; and your Class should be created using the "New Tab" command.
  • Do a write-up of a couple of paragraphs about your program, its inspiration, and how you designed and implemented it.

How to Submit:

You will upload a zipped folder of the following to OAKS dropbox entitled “Assignment 5 Arrays”.

  1. Your write-up as either in a word processing document or in Dropbox comments;
  2. Use the saveFrame() function  to generate a gif/jpg/png image of your finished sketch. (Reason: I may need to see what it is supposed to look like.)
  3. The sketch folder, which includes the .PDE file and all associated data.

Due Date:

The assignment is due before class on Nov. 6th.