Graphic Design & Digital Media
In Class Exercise

Instructions: You will begin this work in class. However, you may need to finish at home. It is due on Nov. 4.


  1. Design Concepts:
    Choose one of the design principles or elements discussed on Oct. 31 (line, dominance, shape, or rhythm). Then find 6 interesting photographs where the principle or element is heavily represented in the images.

    Use a word processor to describe how your element/principle is depicted in each image.

  2. Graphics editor:
    Then use a graphics editor to crop them to exactly 600 width x 400 height.
  3. For your first 3 images, apply a tint:
    Based on what you learned in section 15-3 (page 307), tint 3 of your images in any way you wish. You may use opacity also if you wish.

    For each picture, use the save() function  to generate an image for later use.

  4. For your last 3 images, loop through pixels and set to different color:
    Based on Exercise 15-7 (page 316), modify the r,g,b values of these images. Also, use the save() function  to generate an image of each.
  5. Image swapping:
    Following Example 15-3 (page 310), create an image swapping program with your 6 images. If you feel comfortable, you may do Example 15-4 instead.


How to Submit.

  • Submit your program from Step 5 in a zipped file.
  • Submit your word processing document as well.

Due Date.

The assignment will start as class work on Monday. However, it is not due until Nov. 4.