What are we doing and why???


WHY? As I said in the email, I want us to keep upthe momentum from what was learned so far. Plus, by doing the work described here, we will not need to make up the day later.

WHAT? You are to create two drawings in Processing and simply submit the image on a shared Google slide deck. I do not need to see the code this time.

How to Start

Start by watching 8 minutes of videos for help and clarification.

Part 1 of video (MP4) file
Part 2 of Video (MP4) file


Drawing #1. Continue with the drawing that you started from slide #19 on the slides for Chapter 1. For the last line of your file, type the save function as follows:



Drawing #2. Start a new Processing file and program a new drawing in which you showcase some of the skills you've learned so far. Use the save() function at the end of it as well. Don't worry about messing up. Just do what you can!

You should do this work tomorrow, but I'm giving you until Friday at 8pm to submit in case you get stuck or need office hours for help. That means we won't spend any more time in class on this activity.

How to submit

Keeping it simple, I just want you to insert your .jpg in this Google Slide deck:


Remember, I will have office hours for 2 hours tomorrow on Zoom. No appointment needed. Just jump in if needed.

Time: 12:30 - 02:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 939 4749 3121