Add existing images

Ways to add
existing images to Photoshop file

Let’s say you have a Photoshop file that is serving as the base of your design, and you wish to include additional images into it. There are 3 equally good ways in which you can do this. In each case, the new image appears on its own layer.

  1. Copy and paste:
    Copy the file from another program such as the internet or Word. Press Control-V or Edit/Paste to paste the file. As you will see, Photoshop does not allow right-click for pasting.
  2. Place the file as embedded object:
    Choose FILE/Place Embedded.  Press ENTER to finish committing the image.  Since the image comes in as a Smart Object, you are restricted from doing certain modifications…especially those that are pixel based.  If you want to make these changes, you must first Rasterize the file by choosing LAYER/Rasterize Layer.
  3. Open the file:
    If you open the file on its own, you can drag it over to your base file.  The best way to do it is to arrange all open files in the window. Choose WINDOW/Arrange. Then Tile in the manner you desire.