HTML Study Guide Spring 2019

Test 2

Chapters covered:

Chap 4: Those parts covered since Test 1
Chap 5: Parts 5-1 through 5-4
Chap 6: All material covered in class
Chap 7: Parts 7-1 through 7-4

Study the following Test #2:

A few examples of essay and coding questions are:

  1. Write two comments -- one in CSS and one in HTML.
  2. Why should height and width attributes be included in an < img> tag?
  3. Discuss methods for optimizing an image.
  4. In rgba(), what does the "a" stand for?
  5. How are thumbnail images configured?
  6. What is the difference between absolute and relative linking?
  7. Briefly describe two of the CSS debugging techniques mentioned in Chapter 6.
  8. Explain the difference between a CSS class and an id.
  9. What is the function of the CSS clear property?
  10. What are the parts of the CSS Box Model, from inside to outside?
  11. List the 4 types of CSS positioning we discussed.
  12. What are fragment IDs and how are they configured?
  13. What is the difference between block and inline elements?
  14. Write the CSS code for a column with the following specifications
    - the id is called column2
    - the column is designed to float to the left of the browser window
    - the width is 400 pixels
    - It has a solid purple border at the right that is 3 pixels thick
  15. Write the CSS code to do the following to the anchors of an class called submenu:
    - remove the underlines
    - change the font color to #006400

A few examples of Multiple Choice questions are:

  1. Choose the item that creates an image link to the school.htm page when the school.gif graphic is clicked.
    • <a href="school.html" src="school.gif" alt="school"></a>
    • <a href="school.html"><img src="school.gif" alt="school"></a>
    • <img src="school.gif" href="school.htm" alt="school">
    • none of the above
  2. Use the ___________________ property to resize or scale the background image.
    • background-image
    • background-clip
    • background-origin
    • background-size
  3. Select the three most common methods of organizing websites.
    • horizontal, vertical, and diagonal
    • hierarchical, linear, and random
    • accessible, readable, maintainable
    • none of the above
  4. A(n) _______ is a smaller version of a larger image, and is often linked to that larger image?
    • icon
    • thumbnail
    • favicon
    • wireframe
  5. Set list-style-type to the value ______ to hide the display of the list markers on an ordered list.
    • no-display
    • none
    • hide
    • invisible
  6. Use ___________ positioning to configure the location of an element to remain the same and to not move even when the web page is scrolled within the browser viewport.
    • absolute
    • static
    • relative
    • fixed
  7. Which attribute below can be applied to an anchor tag to open a link in a new browser window?
    • target
    • window
    • rel
    • media
  8. The _______ pseudo-class configures the styles that will apply when the mouse is on a hyperlink.
    • hover
    • click
    • active
    • over
  9. Which of the following is an example of a descendant selector used to configure a list within an id called menu?
    • #menu ul
    • ul .menu
    • menu #li
    • #menu, ul